Posted by Su Lee
Jieun Park held her newborn baby for the first time. Even though this was Jieun’s third delivery, she was more anxious this time as her mother could not be with her after the delivery. But her anxiety didn’t last long. “I felt fear holding my baby for the first time. But the nurse told me everything about holding the baby which made me feel calm to enjoy the moment. The way they took care of me was so special that I did not miss having my mom around,” said Jieun, laughing.
“Giving birth is always overwhelming and exciting — you don’t know what to expect each and every time,” said Jieun. Delivering her third baby still made Jieun nervous, but the nurses made it easier for her by teaching everything about caring for her baby—breastfeeding, changing diapers, understanding baby’s needs, and came by every hour to ensure that she was comfortable. “My whole experience at the hospital was shaped by their care and it was wonderful,” she said.
During her stay, Jieun ordered Korean food from the hospital–carefully crafted to meet her dietary needs—and this made her feel even more at home. “I often go hungry at other hospitals, because their food is not good. Many don’t provide Korean food. Here, I was so happy to find ethnic cuisine, and abundance of food, and thrilled to see Korean food,” said Jieun with smiles.