NICU and High Risk Pregnancy

We offer a six-bed ante-partum section designed to care for high-risk pregnancies. The ante-partum section is a quiet, restful area that allows the moms-to-be to rest and complete their pregnancy under the watchful eye of labor and delivery nurses.
Babies who need to go to the NICU are usually admitted within the first 24 hours after birth and remain there as long as they need to grow and progress day after day. And just like any baby, NICU babies benefit most when fed breast milk. You will have the opportunity to pump your breast milk to provide your baby the best nutrition possible. Our nurses will assist you with breast pumps and storage while caring for the special needs of your baby.
Learn more about Women's Services:

To learn more about delivering your baby at CHA Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center, please call Special Deliveries at 323.913.4909.